Microcredit can pave the way for self-employment. We meet people who already have skills and good ideas to improve their living situation. However, they often lack the financial means. More than 40% of the Nepalese and Nepalese have no citizenship and therefore no ID. They cannot open a bank account without ID, let alone apply for a loan.
We have already had some positive experiences with the granting of small loans, even if a business idea does not always lead to success. If the business idea is successful, it not only means an improvement in the financial situation, but goes hand in hand with the well-being of the whole family. People become more self-confident, they are better physically and mentally.
We are granting the loans between $ 100 and $ 250 interest-free and expect the loan to be repaid over the next three years. The success rate of women who have received a microcredit is around 80%. $ 150 seems very little to us, in Nepal a woman manages to use the money to buy a sales scales and the utensils for selling a street snack and to run it for 2 weeks without income.
Write us an email for more information to [email protected] and we will send you the latest information about potential clients, or directly set up a standing order with the purpose “microcredit” and enter your email address so that we can send you information can.
We help create a fair world in which people get opportunities regardless of their status, caste or gender.